A very difficult hike, the Mount Storm King Trail is challenging, but it offers you a spectacular view of Lake Crescent and much more. The trail is located in the Olympic National Park near Port Angeles, Washington. The height has a length of only 8.3 kilometers, but it’s very grueling. This out and back trail has a total elevation of 631 m.
It’s a very steep hike, and in bad weather, it can be very dangerous. If you feel like you can’t get to the top, there are a few outcroppings along the way, but even to reach them is a bit challenging.
The hike begins from the Storm King Ranger Station. There is a parking lot nearby as well, where you can park your vehicle. To reach the trailhead, take the Lake Crescent Road, and reach the parking area by following the signs. You will have to take the trail that’s in front of the station passes under Highway 101 as well.
Don’t be fooled by the first part of the trail that’s plat and rather lovely, soon the climb would begin, as after this part things would take a dramatic turn. The flat trail ends after 0.4 mils, and you begin climbing for the summit to Mount Storm King. Follow the sign on your left that points towards your destination.
From there, the trail moves into the forest. The next part is quite steep and you will hike through the trees. It could be a bit tiring, and you won’t get to rest enough.
As you are hiking through a forest, don’t expect a scenic view. After 1.5 miles, you get to a clearing, from where you get a good view of the Lake Crescent. The trail will continue along with the trees again for some distance, and when you are near the top of the mountain, you will be hiking in an open area.
The last part of the hike is the most difficult and you would be pulling yourself up with ropes. If it’s dry and dusty, it would relatively be easier to hike this part, but in the slippery conditions, it could be extremely difficult, especially, going back. When you get through that part, you get to the rocky outcropping that overlooks the lake.